Sunday, June 16, 2024

Southwest Airlines Is Now On Google Flights & Travelers Are Overjoyed

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Those who travel frequently are pleased to learn that Southwest Airlines has officially begun listing on Google Flights. 

For years, Southwest was one of the few airlines that did not show their flights on the search engine.  The company previously only advertised its selection on its own website.  However, this posed a bit of an inconvenience for customers who wanted to compare flights.  This week, the airline decided to join the Google Flights search engine, as they confirmed in a statement. 

“In our initial piloting of this partnership, we’ve made it possible for Google Flights users to compare our different fare options and click directly into to book their selected itinerary,” the company shared in a statement.

It’s unclear what prompted the change, but its likely all a way to attract more customers and retain those that have remained loyal to the airline. Now, with the trips being advertised on the search engine, flight watchers are pleased with this new integration.

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