Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Google Says Feedback On The Last Core Update Was Really Helpful

Must read

Google’s John Mueller said in a video he posted yesterday that the feedback submitted and Google collected around the March 2024 core update has “been really helpful in evaluations and discussions.” He added the Google teams have “been reviewing with the search quality and ranking teams.”

John said this at the 5:11 mark into the video:

Here is the transcript of that portion:

With these updates, we collected feedback from site owners, you all perhaps, which we’ve been reviewing with the search quality and ranking teams. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback there. It’s been really helpful in evaluations and discussions.

As a reminder, Google set up a feedback form for the March 2024 core update. Most SEOs did not fill out the form but Google still got a ton of feedback, which Google said they read it all and changes may come based on it.

We are still waiting for those changes to come but how many businesses have went under since is the bigger question right now…

Glenn Gabe wrote on X, “I’m eager to see how the next core update looks for sites that have been working hard on improving after the ‘fall of 2023 updates’.” As am I…

Forum discussion at X.

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