Monday, February 10, 2025

Major Infrastructure Win: Northern Trust Tapped for $20B Igneo Portfolio Administration

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Northern Trust (NTRS) has been selected as the global private capital administration partner for Igneo Infrastructure Partners, a specialist infrastructure manager with US$20 billion in assets under management. Igneo, operating since 1994, manages investments across renewables, digital infrastructure, waste management, water utilities, transportation and logistics sectors globally.

Northern Trust will provide comprehensive services for Igneo’s funds domiciled in Australia, the Cayman Islands, Luxembourg and US, including fund administration, investor servicing, transfer agency, corporate secretarial and depository services. The selection followed a thorough review of third-party providers and aims to align with Igneo’s global operating model and strategic plans.

Northern Trust (NTRS) è stato selezionato come partner globale per l’amministrazione del capitale privato per Igneo Infrastructure Partners, un gestore di infrastrutture specializzato con 20 miliardi di dollari in assets sotto gestione. Igneo, attivo dal 1994, gestisce investimenti nei settori delle energie rinnovabili, infrastrutture digitali, gestione dei rifiuti, utilities idriche, trasporti e logistica a livello globale.

Northern Trust fornirà servizi completi per i fondi di Igneo domiciliati in Australia, Isole Cayman, Lussemburgo e Stati Uniti, inclusi l’amministrazione dei fondi, i servizi per gli investitori, l’agenzia di trasferimento, la segreteria societaria e i servizi di deposito. La selezione è avvenuta dopo una revisione approfondita dei fornitori terzi e mira a allinearsi con il modello operativo globale e i piani strategici di Igneo.

Northern Trust (NTRS) ha sido seleccionado como el socio global para la administración de capital privado de Igneo Infrastructure Partners, un gestor de infraestructuras especializado con 20 mil millones de dólares en activos bajo gestión. Igneo, que opera desde 1994, gestiona inversiones en sectores de energías renovables, infraestructura digital, gestión de residuos, servicios de agua, transporte y logística a nivel global.

Northern Trust proporcionará servicios integrales para los fondos de Igneo domiciliados en Australia, Islas Caimán, Luxemburgo y Estados Unidos, que incluyen administración de fondos, servicios al inversor, agencia de transferencia, secretaría corporativa y servicios de depósito. La selección se realizó tras una revisión exhaustiva de proveedores externos y tiene como objetivo alinearse con el modelo operativo global y los planes estratégicos de Igneo.

노던 트러스트 (NTRS)이그네오 인프라 파트너스의 글로벌 사모펀드 관리 파트너로 선택되었습니다. 이그네오는 200억 달러의 자산을 관리하는 전문 인프라 관리자입니다. 1994년부터 운영되고 있으며, 재생 에너지, 디지털 인프라, 폐기물 관리, 수자원 관리, 교통 및 물류 등 여러 분야에 걸쳐 글로벌 투자 관리하고 있습니다.

노던 트러스트는 호주, 케이맨 제도, 룩셈부르크 및 미국에 본사를 둔 이그네오의 펀드에 대한 포괄적인 서비스를 제공할 예정입니다. 서비스에는 펀드 관리, 투자자 서비스, 이전 대행, 회사 비서 및 예치 서비스가 포함됩니다. 이 선택은 제3자 제공업체에 대한 철저한 검토 후 이루어진 것이며, 이그네오의 글로벌 운영 모델 및 전략 계획과 일치하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Northern Trust (NTRS) a été sélectionné comme partenaire de gestion de capital privé mondial pour Igneo Infrastructure Partners, un gestionnaire d’infrastructures spécialisé avec 20 milliards de dollars d’actifs sous gestion. Igneo, actif depuis 1994, gère des investissements dans les domaines des énergies renouvelables, de l’infrastructure numérique, de la gestion des déchets, des services publics d’eau, du transport et de la logistique à l’échelle mondiale.

Northern Trust fournira des services complets pour les fonds d’Igneo domiciliés en Australie, aux îles Caïmans, au Luxembourg et aux États-Unis, y compris l’administration des fonds, les services aux investisseurs, l’agence de transfert, le secrétariat d’entreprise et les services de dépôt. Cette sélection a suivi un examen approfondi des fournisseurs tiers et vise à s’aligner sur le modèle opérationnel mondial et les plans stratégiques d’Igneo.

Northern Trust (NTRS) wurde als globaler Partner für die Verwaltung von Privatkapital für Igneo Infrastructure Partners ausgewählt, einen spezialisierten Infrastrukturmanager mit 20 Milliarden US-Dollar an verwaltetem Vermögen. Igneo, das seit 1994 tätig ist, verwaltet Investitionen in den Bereichen erneuerbare Energien, digitale Infrastruktur, Abfallwirtschaft, Wasserversorgung, Transport und Logistik weltweit.

Northern Trust wird umfassende Dienstleistungen für die Fonds von Igneo bereitstellen, die in Australien, den Kaimaninseln, Luxemburg und den USA domiziliert sind. Dazu gehören Fondsverwaltung, Investorendienstleistungen, Transferagentur, Unternehmenssekretariat und Depotdienstleistungen. Die Auswahl erfolgte nach einer gründlichen Überprüfung von Drittanbietern und zielt darauf ab, mit Igneos globalem Betriebsmodell und strategischen Plänen übereinzustimmen.


  • Secured major client with US$20 billion AUM portfolio

  • Expands presence in Australian market

  • Diversifies service offering across multiple jurisdictions

  • Strengthens position in private capital administration sector


This strategic mandate marks a substantial win for Northern Trust in the rapidly growing infrastructure investment administration sector. Securing Igneo’s $20 billion portfolio significantly expands Northern Trust’s assets under administration and strengthens its position in the alternative investments space, particularly in infrastructure – a sector experiencing accelerated growth due to global sustainability initiatives and digital transformation.

The deal’s scope is particularly noteworthy, encompassing multiple fund domiciles across Australia, the Cayman Islands, Luxembourg and the US. This geographic diversity showcases Northern Trust’s global operational capabilities and positions the company to capture additional market share in these key financial centers. The mandate spans critical services including fund administration, investor servicing, transfer agency, corporate secretarial and depository services – all high-margin, recurring revenue streams.

From a competitive standpoint, this win demonstrates Northern Trust’s technological edge in private markets administration. The company’s ability to automate complex processes and provide extensive portfolio oversight capabilities was cited as a key differentiator, suggesting strong positioning for capturing future mandates in the growing alternative investments sector.

The timing is strategic, as infrastructure investments are seeing increased allocations from institutional investors seeking stable, inflation-protected returns. Igneo’s focus on renewable energy, digital infrastructure and utilities aligns with major investment themes, indicating potential for further growth in assets under administration.

For Northern Trust shareholders, this represents a positive development that should contribute to steady fee income growth and operational leverage. The comprehensive nature of services provided typically results in higher revenue per client and stronger client retention, supporting long-term profitability.

New mandate to deliver Private Capital Solutions for Infrastructure Manager’s Australian, European and North American Funds

Northern Trust (Nasdaq: NTRS) today announced it is providing asset servicing solutions to Igneo Infrastructure Partners (Igneo) as its global private capital administration partner.

Operating since 1994, Igneo manages US$20 billion worth of assets (as of 30 September 2024) on behalf of more than 200 investors around the world. It is the direct infrastructure investment team of the First Sentier Investors Group.

Igneo is a specialist global infrastructure manager investing in companies in the renewables, digital infrastructure, waste management, water utilities, transportation and logistics sectors across Europe, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and North America.

Niall Mills, Managing Partner and Global Head at Igneo, said: “Northern Trust’s selection as Igneo’s outsourced administration provider supports our requirement for a strong, well-established global capability in administering alternative assets, with the system architecture for enabling extensive oversight of our investment portfolio. Additionally, its capabilities to automate administration processes to deliver high-quality investor servicing experiences were key factors in this appointment.”

Northern Trust is delivering solutions servicing Igneo’s funds domiciled in Australia, the Cayman Islands, Luxembourg and US. These include fund administration, investor servicing and transfer agency, corporate secretarial and depository services.

Leon Stavrou, Head of Australia and New Zealand at Northern Trust, said: “This partnership marks a significant milestone for Northern Trust in Australia, enabling us to provide our clients with comprehensive private capital administration services. By expanding our offerings, we can better meet our clients’ growing needs, especially those who want to tap into private markets. This collaboration demonstrates our ongoing commitment to providing innovative solutions.”

The appointment followed a review by Igneo of third-party providers of alternative administration solutions and a selection process intended to ensure continued alignment of Igneo’s global operating model with its strategic plans.

Clive Bellows, Head of Global Private Capital Administration and President, EMEA at Northern Trust, commented: “We are delighted to be providing this comprehensive set of global solutions supporting Igneo’s funds and investors. As a dedicated solutions provider for managers of private capital, Northern Trust supports their end-to-end operating model by driving automation across the lifecycle of their funds, helping to mitigate risk and enhance efficiency to deliver a consistent approach that enables investor oversight.”

Northern Trust provides a comprehensive suite of services to global investment managers including fund administration, global custody investment operations outsourcing and data management, supporting a range of complex investment strategies across the full spectrum of asset classes.

About Northern Trust

Northern Trust Corporation (Nasdaq: NTRS) is a leading provider of wealth management, asset servicing, asset management and banking to corporations, institutions, affluent families and individuals. Founded in Chicago in 1889, Northern Trust has a global presence with offices in 24 U.S. states and Washington, D.C., and across 22 locations in Canada, Europe, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region. As of December 31, 2024, Northern Trust had assets under custody/administration of US$16.8 trillion, and assets under management of US$1.6 trillion. For more than 135 years, Northern Trust has earned distinction as an industry leader for exceptional service, financial expertise, integrity and innovation. Visit us on Follow us on Instagram @northerntrustcompany or Northern Trust on LinkedIn.

Northern Trust Corporation, Head Office: 50 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 U.S.A., incorporated with limited liability in the U.S. Global legal and regulatory information can be found at

About Igneo Infrastructure Partners

Igneo is an autonomous investment team in the First Sentier Investors Group. It invests in high-quality, mature, mid-market infrastructure companies in renewables, digital infrastructure, waste management, water utilities and transportation/ logistics sectors in the UK, Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. Operating since 1994, the team works closely with portfolio companies to create long-term sustainable value through innovation, a focus on responsible investment and proactive asset management.

Igneo manages US$20.0bn worth of assets (as of 30 September 2024) on behalf of more than 200 investors around the world.

Media Contacts

Europe, Middle East, Africa & Asia-Pacific:

Camilla Greene

+44 (0) 20 7982 2176

Simon Ansell

+ 44 (0) 20 7982 1016

US & Canada:

John O’Connell

+1 312 444 2388


Source: Northern Trust Corporation


What services will Northern Trust (NTRS) provide to Igneo Infrastructure Partners?

Northern Trust will provide fund administration, investor servicing, transfer agency, corporate secretarial and depository services for Igneo’s funds across Australia, Cayman Islands, Luxembourg and US.

How large is the Igneo Infrastructure Partners portfolio that NTRS will service?

Igneo Infrastructure Partners manages US$20 billion worth of assets as of September 30, 2024, on behalf of more than 200 investors worldwide.

Which sectors does Igneo Infrastructure Partners invest in through NTRS administration?

Igneo invests in renewables, digital infrastructure, waste management, water utilities, transportation and logistics sectors across Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand and North America.

What regions are covered by the NTRS-Igneo partnership?

The partnership covers fund administration services for Igneo’s investments across Australia, Europe, UK, North America, and New Zealand, with funds domiciled in Australia, Cayman Islands, Luxembourg and US.

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